School News

Social Media...…how to get started??

- Jun 28, 2011      Archive

One evening, a year or so ago, my daughter told me I needed to get involved with Facebook. I told her I really wasn’t interested. She said dad, “it is easy and here, I will show you.” We sat down at a computer and she basically set me up with a personal webpage.

I asked her how to set up a business page, so she set me up a business page too. Occasionally, I would get a request from someone to be their friend but I would not do anything about it because I really didn’t know how to access the Facebook page.

About a month ago, I decide that Facebook and other social media formats might be good for our business. Facebook and Twitter might be a great way we can communicate with people that are interested in the real estate business and our business, the real estate licensing education part of real estate. Also, I knew I was attending the REEA (real estate educators) Convention and some of the breakout sessions were on social media, so I wanted to be prepared a little before I got there.

So I decided to get involved with Facebook, I found out how to access my personal page, but did not know how to access the business page. By fooling around with it I realized that the business page was actually part of the personal page. I didn’t realize you have to have a personal page before you can have a business page.

I viewed some competitors’ websites to get some ideas. A couple of the real estate schools use “Pagemodo” which provided a free template for a Facebook welcome page. I then set up a Cooke Real Estate School Welcome Page which I felt had a better look than our Wall.

So as we go through this Facebook learning process, we are now trying an ad on Facebook for Florida and West Virginia. As with any new aspect of this new world we live in, it is exciting and we are looking forward to learning as much as we can how social media will work in our business.

Frank Cooke
Cooke Real Estate School